Blues Guitar Lesson, Robert Johnson: Hellhound on my Trail Lesson
Guitar Lesson on Robert Johnsons Hellhound on my Trail. Tuning Open D minor DADFAD

Blues Guitar Lesson, Frankie: Mississippi John Hurt, Lesson MDBG
Frankie is a Mississippi John Hurt classic. Played in Open G ( D G D G B D ). The original ballad was of course inspired by the story of Frankie Baker, a young black girl who killed her lover…

Blues Guitar Lesson: PayDay by Mississippi John Hurt
This is a Acoustic Blues Guitar lesson on Mississippi John Hurts classic song, PayDay

Acoustic Blues Lesson: Loose Modern Blues
This is a song I wrote which is fun to play, Its in a DADGAD tuning and is not really a Delta Blues song but I thought I would add the song to this series of Podcasts.

Big Bill Broonzy: Acoustic Guitar lesson Willie Mae Blues
This is a lesson on how to play Willie Mae Blues by Big Bill Bronzy. This song is in the key of A and the guitar is in a standard tuning. lessons with tabs can be found at my new…