Deftones – Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) Guitar Lesson

Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) Guitar Lesson

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My Deftones Playlist!

In this Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this awesome song by the Deftones note-for-note.

The tuning is C# standard. That is, starting from the 6th string, C# G# C# F# A# D#.

Guitarist Stephen Carpenter has a gift for coming up with awesome guitar riffs that incorporate very unorthodox guitar chords. His guitar parts for “Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)” are great evidence of this.

I will take you through each riff in the order that each appears on the original recording.

This song is just so much fun to play, I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as I do.

Rock On! Carl…

#bequietandriveguitarlesson #deftones #guitarcover

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