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My Pink Floyd Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOBqO_KghqI7xFxAlEYq1MnOU45enKqfh
In this Dogs guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all of this Pink Floyd classic, including ALL of David Gilmour’s five solos note-for-note.
The tuning is D standard tuning for both the acoustic and electric guitar parts. That means you will be tuning each string down a whole-step from standard tuning. That will be, starting from the 6th string, D G C F A D.
I have been avoiding doing this lesson for many years. The truth is that I LOVE this song, David Gilmour is one of my top 3 favorite players of all-time and Dogs has also been heavily requested from my subscribers for well over a decade. It is just SOOO long, over 17 minutes in length with FIVE classic guitar solo (two are identical). So yeah, it is a lot of work.
But the time has finally come to simply sit down and get it done. I knew this masterpiece deserved an in-depth look so I took my time finally getting it out there. With this video lesson clocking in at over 70 minutes, I hope you will appreciate the time it takes to do a lesson video like this and will watch the entire thing. You will be playing solos that David himself has said is some of his best work.
I will cover all of the rhythm guitar parts, even the ones under the solo sections and of course take you through each solo note-for-note.
I hope you guys enjoy learning this masterpiece! Carl…
#godsguitarlesson #pinkfloyd #davidgilmour