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Frustrated trying to learn guitar on your own? Do you want to learn guitar way faster while being guided by professional guitarists? Get playing feedback, step-by-step guidance every step of the way and 1-on-1 mentorship from my team and I in my complete beginner-to-advanced online ”Master The Acoustic Guitar” Program. Check it out here: https://www.5minuteguitar.com/p/homepage-gift/?src=SweaterWeatherTut
Appointments – The Importance of Making Appointments for Entrepreneurs
We all differ in how we approach life, business, and all things that need to be done. You could be the spontaneous kind of person who doesn’t start the day with a to-do list or a diary with all appointments for the day nicely allocated. Maybe you are the opposite who like me wants to know exactly what they are doing and at what time and with who? Our styles differ but I realize that appointments are one of the major keys to being organized and effective particularly if you are self-employed. The fact that you work for yourself does not eliminate the demand for productivity and efficiency that ensures results at the end of the day. I highly recommend the habit of making appointments and keeping them.
Find Out How Successful People Think So You May Be Successful Too
Do you think successful people are just plain lucky? Successful people did not become successful because they were lucky.
5 Music Funding Secrets – How Can I Fund My Music Projects Without Working a Regular Job?
Musicians often find themselves in the proverbial “catch-22” of having to take a regular job to fund their music but then not having enough time or energy left at the end of the day to pursue their musical endeavors. It begs the question: “How to fund my music without trading hours for checks?” The good news is, there is a way! Here’s 5 music funding “secrets” for earning passive income to fund your music projects.
Don’t Fall Prey to Victim Mentality
Those engaged in victim-mentality, view life through a narrow lens of pessimistic perceptions, believing whatever occurs in life is the result of outside causes. Inner reflection is never considered. Being a victim means absolving themselves of blame. Nothing is their fault – ever! Those engaged in victim mentality most often enjoy the attention, sympathy and validation they get from playing this “poor me” role.
Time For A New Tribe? When to Leave Outdated Alliances For a Truly Supportive Community
As we continue to evolve, many of us struggle with a sense of not quite fitting in with our traditional community or tribe. To find support, we may need to break away and face judgment by those who do not understand. And yet, finding true community can offer us a powerful support system. True community is formed by building relationship through meaningful interactions over time. And you can build such a supportive community by fostering connection with people who matter. Read more…