The Church – Under The Milky Way Guitar Lesson

The Church - Under The Milky Way Guitar Lesson

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In this Under the Milky Way guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all the chords to this massive 80’s ballad by The Church.

The tuning is standard tuning, E A D G B E.

What I am attempting to achieve with this transcription of “Under the Milky Way”, is to sort of combine all of the guitar and bass parts into one playable part that sounds like the original recording but that can be played by just one guitarist.

On the original recording there is a 12-string acoustic guitar capoed and the 5th fret, along with other non-capoed electric and acoustic guitars playing mostly open position chords.

With all of that going on, once the bass guitar enters halfway through the first verse, it changes the harmony quite a bit. So this arrangement combines all of that into one easily playable guitar part.

I hope you guys enjoy learning this awesome 80’s classic! Carl…

#underthemilkywayguitarlesson #thechurchband #guitarcover

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