Learn to solo like David Gilmour using one of his trademark licks!
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Hello friends,
Welcome back to Swiftlessons for another lead guitar tutorial. The one thing that all great soloist have in common is that they all “steal” licks and concepts from their peers. Since imitation is the greatest form of flattery, today we’ll take a page out of David Gilmour’s playbook, and learn to incorporate his extraordinary use of arpeggios into our own playing. Borrowing inspiration from his iconic “Mother” solo, let’s explore David’s approach to navigating the fretboard, before using his fundamentals to create a unique musical phrase. Let’s get started! -Rob
0:00 – Demonstration
0:49 – Scales & Arpeggios
2:50 – David’s Lick
3:30 – Recycling the Concept
5:35 – Easy Rock Chords
7:43 – Rolling Stones Rhythm Trick
8:15 – Practice Time!
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